Sunday, January 3, 2010


Whom would you blame for the current fiasco/havoc (what ever you want to call it ) in ANDHRA? I can only think of two options

a) The witch at the centre

b)The pimp in the state.

c)All The Above

No points for guessing, its C(All The Above).A state which was until now known for farming, quality education and IT etc... is now fuming with hatered and lost brotherhood.

You call it the incompetency of the Witch / puputness of the pimp their failure of handling a maniac called KCR has lead to the current situation. Who is gaining from all this only a handful of idiots who are shot to fame in this plunder.

I bet a million dollars on Congress , that it will not let TELENGANA seperate. Then what is this whole drama around??? Yes again no points for guessing that its because of inability of the Indian National Congress(INC) which ruled INDIA for more than 50 years and should completeley take the onus of our failure.

Among all this mess what can an AAM ADMI do, He can only wait for a SERENDIPITY.

1 comment:

vamsi challa said...

Wow, Kaushik!!!! didn't know that u blog so well. wishing a happy blogging year ahead.,I'll subscribe to ur blogs right after submitting this comment.
Though didn't like u, calling KCR names. It's a cause right!!! Anyways Nice one,wishing a happy blogging.